Monday, November 24, 2008


I bought these 2 gems from a Hare Krsna today. He was in regular clothes, so I didn't have any idea, but as soon as he walked in the store I could tell he was selling something. He said he had no scams, not even any prices, he just accepted donations. Well what I offered apparently wasn't enough of a "donation", so we haggled. He said people gave anywhere from 8-20 bucks for each, so I offered him 10 bucks but I wanted three. We settled at 9 bucks for two. He insisted the wholesale cost was 3 bucks, but if he paid any more than 25 cents for them, well, he must be, uhh, crazy. But then again, I paid $4.50 each. Oh well, he's a traveling spirit. I like to help.
Most of them were pretty cheeseball, but some (like these) were amazing.
You have to see them in person for all the colours man.
This one is potential album cover art for Full Grip.

He pulled out this pamphlet, and wanted to talk me through it. I convinced him to just leave it with me.

It looks like everyone's having fun anyway.

More fun,
Don't know about this guy though.
Here's the dude on the cover, kickin out the jams,

Yeah, I know, random post. Whatever floats your boat.

1 comment:

3rd best skater ever said...

does anything interesting happen up there ever? reading this is like watching mountain bikers do airs. sure its an air, but who gives a f#ck