Friday, September 19, 2008

Beauty & the Beast decks from AntiHero

Girl and AntiHero, two awesome companies. They toured together and are doing a bunch of collabo stuff. These are AntiHero decks, with Girl flavour.

And we got some Bennets in. Neato.

Beware the back door.

Rob, slightly amused, he's been here before.

Clancy, completely de-stoked.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cliff repped Pro.

Coinciding with the new Metallica, is the release of our latest. I haven't heard the new one, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather hear Ride the Lightning or Kill 'em All. Zach has had this picture for a long time, and finally dug it out and put it to good use. Pick up one of these tees at Uptown.
Rep In Peace Cliff.