Monday, May 26, 2008

Snacky? Snacky!!!!

We usually have some form of snack available now, so while we're gripping your board you can fill up n microwave-able goodness. Pizza pops, maybe some cookies or something, and drinks, all for 1-2 bucks. Or just come for the snacks, we don't even care if you skateboard! You must be hungry, right? No? Thirsty?

Pizza pop, about to go under the 'wave.

This is my favourite part, scalding my fingers on the hot pahoehoe* that escapes during the nuking process.

As I started eating this one, I almost barfed, because unknown to me Dave slipped some in with friggin vegetables. "Deluxe"? Those vegetarian pieces of tephra are sickening.

*pronounced pah-hoy-hoy, way funnier now eh?

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